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Lemon is one of the most medicinal fruits in the world, it is rich in vitamin C, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, quinic acid, citric acid, malic acid, hesperidin , naringin, coumarin, high potassium and low sodium, etc.
Lemon peel is rich in aromatic volatile components, which can produce body fluid and relieve heat, appetize and refresh the spleen. Summer heat and humidity are severe, and many people are tired. After working or studying for a long time, they often have a poor appetite. Drinking a glass of lemon soaked in water has a refreshing and sour taste It refreshes the mind and can open up the appetite; lemon is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, which can enhance the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels.
- SKU: 146424
RM 102.00