Made using high quality ingredients, Emborg butter has a rich taste with a soft and golden texture. Emborg Cook & Bake Buttery is the perfect choice for cooking and baking...
Mild and creamy cheese packed in individually wrapped triangular slices. Full of calcium and iron, these are perfect for packing in kid\'s lunches or enjoyed as a between-meal snack...
Have your own favourite cheese buffet ready for any enjoyable occasion.
Let your children have a snack, a treat or a bread\'licious bite for dinner, lunch or breakfast. Whatever their preference, Emborg cheese is a source of calcium, made from fresh European milk.
Have a fridge selection of your..
Mozzarella is a famous melting cheese originating from Italy. Emborg Mozzarella is mild, medium creamy and buttery yet also freshly flavoured. Mozzarella is especially known for its melting capabilities as it stretches when melted. Mozzarella is the most used cheese for pizza and lasagne and goes pe..
Emborg American Cheddar are made with creamy Mozzarella cheese. It melts to perfection every time which makes it ideal for homemade burgers, sandwiches and toasties.American Cheddar not only delicious, but is also nutritious. It contains high source of calcium, proteins, iron, and vitamins such as A..