Tender wrappers stuffed with premium chicken meat, simply deep fried to crispy golden brown perfection. Crispy and crunchy bring every bite irresistibly delicious...
Made by deep sea squid, mixed well with big chunk of premium prawn meat that fully wrapped with high quality crispy breadcrumbs. Perfectly delicious yet nutritious...
Deliciously convenient fantastic steamboat combination. Come with Cheese Tofu, Fish Sandwich, Seafood Tofu, Fish Ball, and Seafood Beancurd Roll, 5 types of popular premium quality steamboat dishes for you to have all at once!..
Big chunks of tiger prawn meat mixed with refreshing water chestnut and wrapped with crispy bean curd skin. Simply deep fry to golden brown and pair with any meal of your liking. Its tender, sweet and juicy texture will leave you wanting more!..
Made using high quality ingredients, Emborg butter has a rich taste with a soft and golden texture. Emborg Cook & Bake Buttery is the perfect choice for cooking and baking...
Mild and creamy cheese packed in individually wrapped triangular slices. Full of calcium and iron, these are perfect for packing in kid\'s lunches or enjoyed as a between-meal snack...
Have your own favourite cheese buffet ready for any enjoyable occasion.
Let your children have a snack, a treat or a bread\'licious bite for dinner, lunch or breakfast. Whatever their preference, Emborg cheese is a source of calcium, made from fresh European milk.
Have a fridge selection of your..