San Remo Carbonara Pasta Sauce is an authentic and rich tasting creamy pasta sauce with fresh cream, cheese and mushroom. It has no artificial colours or flavours...
San Remo Instant Spaghetti is made of 100% durum wheat semolina flour and cooks in just 8 minutes, and is free of all artificial colourings, flavourings, and preservatives. A fast-cooking Spaghetti, also known as Fedelini, which cooks in 8 minutes as opposed to 13 minutes of regular Spaghetti...
Telly Salad Dressing range is made from quality ingredients to give a fresh and creamy taste, while being a very versatile dressing when serve as a dip or added to any dish. Our salad dressing range comes with 4 different authentic flavours to cater for different taste requirements...