Brand: NA
SKU: 104736
Benefits : Helps Relieve Constipation. Remove Heat From Body. Remove Heat From Body. Strengthen Immune System. Protect Liver Function..
RM 8.80
Brand: NA
SKU: 104729
Benefits : Strengthen Immune System, Helps blood circulation, Improves tiredness, Improves alertness, Relieve cold and flu..
RM 15.25
Brand: NA
SKU: 104773
Benefits : Helps relieve constipation, Remove heat from the constipation, Nourish spleen, Induce diuresis, Moistens lungs and relieves cough, Tonifies spleen and kidney, Tonic Soup for Pregnancy..
RM 7.15
Brand: NA
SKU: 104653
Strengthen Immune System, Reduce cough, Remove heat from the body, Moisten dryness in lungs, Lowers Blood Sugar Levels..
RM 7.10
Brand: NA
SKU: 104735
Benefits: Helps Relieve Constipation, Nourish Spleen, Remove Heats From The Body, Induce Diuresis, Moistens Lungs and Relieves Cough, Tonifies Spleen and Kidney..
RM 8.95
Brand: NA
SKU: 104491
Ingredients : Ziziphus Jujuba Mill, Dioscorea Batatas Decaisne, Polyconattum, Cirrus Chachiensis, Bulbus Lilii, Arillus Longanae, Fructus Lycii..
RM 11.80
Brand: NA
SKU: 104734
Benefits: Revitalise energy, Tonic soup after birth, Regulates menstruation, Promotes blood circulation, Restore hormones and glands, Women’s essential supplements...
RM 7.10
Brand: NA
SKU: 104751
Bah Kut Teh is an indispensable main delicacy in Malaysian food culture. The authentic Bah Kut Teh (Box) has a strong flavor of medicinal materials. The yellow and brown soup colour may quench your hungry appetite also satisfying your delight. It is more delicious when it is eaten with white rice o..
RM 9.50