Cook up an authentic Kung Pao dish effortlessly with this sweet flavorsome paste packed with a spicy kick. Excellent for stir-fry as a sauce for chicken cubes and perfect for for home-cooked meals!..
Lee Kum Kee Soy Sauce is made from non-GM soybeans and wheat flour. It is brewed according to traditional and natural methods. An ideal sauce for marinating, cooking, and dipping...
Made from selected oyster extracts, this oyster sauce has a robust flavour and a rich colour which makes it an ideal all-purpose sauce for marinating or stir-frying...
Made from selected oyster extracts, this oyster sauce has a robust flavour and a rich colour which makes it an ideal all-purpose sauce for marinating or stir-frying...
This premium all-purpose seasoning sauce is made from the finest oyster extract. Its rich oyster flavour enhances the taste and appearance of any dishes...
Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce with Dried Scallop is specially made from the finest dried scallop and best oyster extract. With its rich scallop and oyster taste, this all-purpose seasoning sauce is best for gravy-making, dipping, marinating and cooking...
Made from selected soybeans and wheat flour. It is brewed according to the traditional and natural methods. Lee Kum Kee Selected Light Soy Sauce has a rich flavor, color, and aroma that will delicately enhance the taste of any dish...
Spare rib sauce is a handy sauce, created to satisfy your craving for Chinese spare ribs. Made from tomato paste, flavoured with sugar, garlic and fermented soy bean paste, the salty-sweet sauce is a versatile store cupboard item...