A savory chili sauce made from preserved chilies prepared according to an authentic recipe from Chiu Chow, China. Excellent for dips and stir-fries, it is also delicious with noodles...
Lee Kum Kee Seasoned Soy Sauce For Seafood is perfect for enjoying fish in the classic Chinese way - steaming. No Preservative Added. Simply add this ready-to-use, seasoned soy sauce to steamed fishes for an appetising treat like those in restaurants. No MSG Added...
Lee Kum Kee Vegetarian Oyster Flavoured Sauce contains unique shiitake mushroom with its strong flavour. With a velvety, evenly smooth texture, this vegetarian oyster flavoured sauce tastes sweet with strong umami flavour, a suitable condiment for vegetarian and people pursue healthy diet...
A delicious dip and great cooking sauce, made from chosen chilies, original blend. The popularity of the brand speaks the word. Now you can have it at home & enjoy your meal, especially your homemade fried chicken! Product of Malaysia...
Original Blend. Made from choice chillies. Makes a delicious dip and great cooking sauce! Refrigerate after opening Ingredients: Sugar, Chillies, Salt, Modified Starch (E1422), Garlic, Edible Gum (E415), Contains Permitted Food Conditioner (E260, E330)...
Ingredients: 84.39% pork, peas extract, Canadian potato extract, etc.
If you put one on the white rice, a bowl of rice will drip ~
If you slice it moderately and roast it with oil, it is perfect as a beer snack!
If you put one on the white rice, a bowl of rice will drip ~
If you slice it moderately..
M&S Coconut Milk is sterilized through Ultra High Temperature (UHT) process which eliminates all harmful microorganism while retaining its rich flavour & nutritional values. It is then aseptically packed and ultrasonically sealed to retain its freshness within its shelf life without using preservati..
Made from garlic and fresh shallots as well as perfectly blended red chillies. Cook the fried Bihun with this delicious paste for the family\\\'s favorite treat...