Chicken gyoza are crescent-shaped dumplings from Japan. These delicious appetizers are traditionally filled with meat and vegetables and then dipped in a savory sauce...
Dumpling, small mass of leavened dough that is either boiled or steamed and served in soups or stews or with fruit. Dumplings are most commonly formed from flour or meal bound with egg and then simmered in water or gravy stock until they take on a light cakey texture...
These irresistible Japanese inspired prawn gyoza (also called dumplings) are golden and crispy on the bottom with a juicy prawn filling inside, pan fried and steamed to absolute perfection. And they give even the best dumpling restaurants a run for their money!..
Premium Prawn Paste is a delicious product to enjoy when cooking steamboat. Made from Fresh minced pork, specially blended fish paste and shrimps. This is also suitable for cooking with porridge...
A Perfect Blend Of Juicy Chicken And Creamy Cheese. These Franks Are Perfect For A Quick And Delicious Snack, Breakfast Or Lunch Option. Simply Heat And Enjoy!..
Nutriplus Crunchy Tempura Original Chicken Nuggets are healthier and more nutritious, 100% made from NutriPlus air-chilled chicken. These juicy and crunchy tempura chicken nuggets make a great snack to a growling stomach! Contain no added preservatives, artificial coloring or flavoring.