Brand: NA
SKU: 120721
Product Name: Strawberry
Origin: Korea
Sweetness ★★★☆☆ / Sourness ★★★☆☆
Sensation: The taste is firm, sweet-sour and juicy.
Storage: Keep the strawberry refrigerated
This strawberry is straight coming from Korea, it is sized from medium to large, it is elongated and look like heart in shape. Th..
RM 21.90
Brand: NA
SKU: 112579
Red Dragon fruit also called Pitaya is Sesame-sized, oblong in shape with a brilliant pink to red appearance with green tip overlapping rind that makes the fruit unique from others. The interior is red in colour and the flesh tastes sweet, its seeds are embedded throughout the flesh. Although the ti..
RM 7.90 / KG
Brand: NA
SKU: 129589
Capsicums are an excellent source of vitamin A and C (red contain more than green capsicums). They are also a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin E, B6 and folate. The sweetness of capsicums is due to their natural sugars (green capsicums have less sugar than red capsicums)...
RM 14.85
Brand: NA
SKU: 112718
Packham pears are medium to large in size and are irregular in shape with a bulbous, wide bottom that tapers to a smaller rounded neck with a slender, dark brown stem. Similar in appearance to a bartlett pear, the skin transforms from green to pale yellow when ripe and is covered in patches of russe..
RM 17.90
Brand: NA
SKU: 112619
-Lemon contains a high amount of Vitamin C, soluble fiber, and plant compounds that give them a number of health benefits.
-Lemon may aid weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stone, digestive system and cancer.
-You may use lemons for cooking, juicing, add..
RM 7.50