SKU: 132488
A truly delicious local wonder, Halal Certified. Take into the savory snack flavorful and packs a punch! An enjoyable experience awaits you...
RM 6.90
SKU: 132489
MyBiscuit Spicy Golden Cube is a delicious salted egg biscuit snack. Fresh salted egg yolks cured to the hue of golden sunlight with the combination of crispy crisp. Then baked it into a lovely little cube form with a salted egg topping...
RM 6.90
Brand: NA
SKU: 126669
These mini-sized biscuits are a cuter version of our all-time favourite classic Oreo cookies. They are infused with the goodness of vanilla, offering your taste buds a blended delight of chocolaty creaminess. Their flaky, crumbly texture and creamy filling ensure that your sweet cravings are satisfi..
RM 4.45
Brand: Oreo
SKU: 102131
Oreo, milk's favorite cookie was first introduced in 1912, and now this cream-filled sandwich cookie is a favorite of consumers around the globe...
RM 1.99
Brand: Oreo
SKU: 101101
OREO thin cookies are a delicate sandwich cookie with a crispier texture and fewer crumbs. OREO Thins vanilla sandwich cookies are a great snack to enjoy while chatting with your best friends over coffee. The resealable pack with easy-pull tab keeps these wafer cookies crisp...
RM 3.95
SKU: 123761
A playful twist on the original OREO cookie, stuffed with twice as much delicious chocolate flavour creme, for double the fun! A playful twist on the original OREO cookie, a creamy layer of chocolate flavour creme sandwiched between chocolate flavour biscuits with a smooth snowy white chocolate flav..
RM 10.65 RM 8.99