Fragrant Pears are small in size with round to oval egg-shaped. The thin skin has a yellow-green colour and covered with a slight red blush. It have an ivory to cream flesh that is crisp, moist, crunchy, juicy and sweet. Fragrant Pear live up to their name with a strong and floral aroma...
The Ya pear is also called Chinese white pear, is one variety of the fruit. It was found in northern China, where it was grown for food. These pears are very sweet (★★★☆☆) juicy, crunchy, and fragrant. They have a skin that is pale white to light yellow, and the inside is white..
Delicious, sweet fig fruit is one of the popular fruits enjoyed since ancient times. Fig is rich in natural health benefiting phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Entirely developed and ripe fig features bell or pear shape with succulent, juicy flesh inside. Dried figs, indeed, are a highly c..
Product Name: Strawberry
Origin: Korea
Sweetness ★★★☆☆ / Sourness ★★★☆☆
Sensation: The taste is firm, sweet-sour and juicy.
Storage: Keep the strawberry refrigerated
This strawberry is straight coming from Korea, it is sized from medium to large, it is elongated and look like heart in shape. Th..
Red Dragon fruit also called Pitaya is Sesame-sized, oblong in shape with a brilliant pink to red appearance with green tip overlapping rind that makes the fruit unique from others. The interior is red in colour and the flesh tastes sweet, its seeds are embedded throughout the flesh. Although the ti..