Tempura Chicken Nuggets are small pieces of crispy, fluffy golden brown battered chicken breast pieces. A classic Japanese recipe that is used in many recipes...
The aromatic Black Pepper Crispy Fried Chicken contains no Preservatives, Trans Fat or MSG. It gives you an authentic peppery flavour and will spice up your palate. Enjoy it today!..
Delicious peppery taste of these bite-sized chicken sausages is guaranteed to whet your appetite. Ayamas presents the Premium Chicken Cocktail range, seasoned with aromatic black pepper..
Bite-sized Premium Chicken Cocktail with cheese flavour is convenient to eat! The cheesy flavour makes a perfect complement to the high quality assured Ayamas Cocktail Sausages...
Ayamas presents the Sandwich Patty, tasty square shaped patties that go hand in hand with sliced bread. The Sandwich Patty is ideal for grilling and contains no Preservatives, Trans Fat or MSG.
Made up of fresh pandan and creamy milk, it features a soft and fluffy texture. With this, the attractive spiral shape and sweet aromatic flavor make it an appetite stimulant. Perfect for using for serving friends and loved ones...
Ayam masak lemak cili padi is a traditional Malay dish that features chicken cooked in a spicy coconut milk curry made with cili padi (bird\'s eye chili), which is known for its heat and intense flavour...
Kari ayam is a chicken curry that is popular in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is made with chicken pieces, onions, garlic, ginger, ghee, tomatoes, coconut milk, and spices such as anise, cinnamon, curry leaves, pandan leaves, lemongrass, chilis, cumin, turmeric, and fennel...