Made from fermented shrimp and used widely in South East Asian cooking especially Nonya dishes, spicy dips and curry dishes. Belacan is also popularly used to make delicious Belacan fried rice. Packed in metalized bag to preserve freshness...
Traditional biscuits with a semi-moist brown sugar filling. During baking, part of the filling invariably oozes out resulting in a slight chewy texture...
Tambun Biscuit is the baby version of Tow Sar Bing.
-It came about in the early days when our Founder realized that the normal Tow Sar Bing was rather too big to regarded as finger food. Hence, he decided to reduce the size to almost that of a ping pong ball.
Belacan is made from fermentation of selected shrimps. It has higher shrimp content. It is often pan-fried lightly, crushed and used widely in south east asian cooking especially nyonya dishes, spicy dips and curry dishes...
Specially catered to those who prefer small bite-sized. Each piece with sweet and salty filling of green beans is delicately handcrafted to satisfy your taste bud...