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Royal Dansk cookies have brought joy and comfort to homes all over the world. The crispy, delicate butter cookies and wafer cookies are crafted according to fine European baking traditions and packed in their iconic blue packaging to maintain freshness. There is no mistaking the taste of an authentic, deliciously Danish Royal Dansk butter cookie.
Each one of the crispy cookie straws is indulgently creme-filled and delicately crafted. They\'re a perfect pairing to decadent desserts around the world like rich, indulgent ice creams and cakes. Though true, Royal Dansk rolled cookies are just as deliciously enjoyed by themselves. These crispy wafer cookies are perfect to satisfy small cravings and to enjoy on the go!
Each one of the crispy cookie straws is indulgently creme-filled and delicately crafted. They\'re a perfect pairing to decadent desserts around the world like rich, indulgent ice creams and cakes. Though true, Royal Dansk rolled cookies are just as deliciously enjoyed by themselves. These crispy wafer cookies are perfect to satisfy small cravings and to enjoy on the go!
- SKU: 129373
RM 19.90