Strawberry flavored milk provides a delicious, sweet, real strawberry flavor. Milk, water, sugar, and strawberry juice make up this iconic Korean drink. Enjoy Binggrae's milk on the go, with lunch, or as a snack. Refrigerate it for a more refreshing drink...
This sauce is a perfect combination of sweet and sour taste. Use as a dip with most of fried food (spring rolls, crispy prawn rolls, Tempura and fried dishes)...
Sesame oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the sesame seed. It is a traditional ingredient for Korean food to enhance flavor.
Beksul Sesame Oil makes the flavor and scent of food tasty and savory...
Easy to Wash.It's now quick and easy to wash pads. HYPER ABSORPTION Absorbs fluid 2X faster and locks in sudden gushes instantly within the core to prevent leakages on your heavy flow days 5X superior dryness, sticky free and new level of comfort for longer hours.It also able to 360 ALL ROUND LEAK G..
Rock sugar can bring many healthy benefits by consuming rock sugar as it contains numerous vitamins, minerals and amino acid. Moreover, the rock sugar also consumed with fennel, which works as a mouth freshener and helps to clean throat. ..
Rock sugar can bring many healthy benefits by consuming rock sugar as it contains numerous vitamins, minerals and amino acid. Moreover, the rock sugar also consumed with fennel, which works as a mouth freshener and helps to clean throat. ..
Natto, or Japanese fermented soybeans, is considered a Superfood due to its many of wellness nutrients. Whether vitamin B12, vitamin K, antioxidants, and probiotics aid digestion and improve stomach and intestine function. Japanese people love to eat natto, especially for breakfast. Simply serve hot..
Natto, or Japanese fermented soybeans, is considered a Superfood due to its many of wellness nutrients. Whether vitamin B12, vitamin K, antioxidants, and probiotics aid digestion and improve stomach and intestine function. Japanese people love to eat natto, especially for breakfast. Simply serve hot..