Nissin Top Ramen Bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup is full of vegetables — red bell peppers, green onions, corn, and carrots. With a microwave, you have delicious instant ramen noodle soup in a convenient bowl that makes preparation and serving a snap...
Nissin Instant Chicken Cup Noodles are prepared according to original Japanese recipe and contain fresh mixed vegetables such as corn, peas, peppers and spice mix within a cup. Pour boiling water into the cup and within 3 minutes, your aromatic chicken-flavored noodle dish of Nissin is ready...
This instant cup noodle contains a semi-thick broth that is a good combination of sweetness and saltiness along with chilli crab paste gives soup the balanced seafood taste...
Nissin Cup Noodles Mushroom Chicken Flavor contains delicious chewy noodles and hearty mushroom and chicken broth that makes you crave for more with each slurp...
Instant Seafood Flavour Noodle Soup Japanese Style. Seafood lovers of the world, rejoice! Treat yourself to Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood, this sensational and well-seasoned creamy chowder will hit you with an Asian Blast of rich flavour in just three minutes...
Nissin spicy sesame oil flavoured noodles packet contains a wheat-based noodle block base, soup base containing soya, chilli, ginger and more spices and flavours, and the seasoning oil base with sesame oil as the prominent flavour...
Nongshim Onion Rings are ring chips made from onions and flour. After the onions and paste are dried, they are then fried and formed into fun ringed-shapes. They are full of rich onion flavor that come together in harmony with the potato and bacon flavors. Crunchy and flavorful taste, perfect for ev..