A savory chili sauce made from preserved chilies prepared according to an authentic recipe from Chiu Chow, China. Excellent for dips and stir-fries, it is also delicious with noodles...
Lee Kum Kee Fine Shrimp Sauce is a thick, pungent sauce made from fresh silver shrimps. Its fermentation is taken place in a green house to ensure no impurities. It is great for marinating, steaming or stir-frying...
Lee Kum Kee Seasoned Soy Sauce For Seafood is perfect for enjoying fish in the classic Chinese way - steaming. No Preservative Added. Simply add this ready-to-use, seasoned soy sauce to steamed fishes for an appetising treat like those in restaurants. No MSG Added...
Made from selected soybeans and wheat flour. It is brewed according to the traditional and natural methods. Lee Kum Kee Selected Light Soy Sauce has a rich flavor, color, and aroma that will delicately enhance the taste of any dish...
Lee Kum Kee Vegetarian Oyster Flavoured Sauce contains unique shiitake mushroom with its strong flavour. With a velvety, evenly smooth texture, this vegetarian oyster flavoured sauce tastes sweet with strong umami flavour, a suitable condiment for vegetarian and people pursue healthy diet...
One of the most popular sauces in Malaysia with calamansi. Enjoy the refreshing taste of perfect blending, fresh red chili, salt, vinegar, and spices in tomato based sauce with citrus aroma of Calamansi. May contain milk, wheat, shrimp, buk wheat, peanuts, soy beans, chicken and sesame...
Life Thai Chili Sauce is made from selected chilies that are processed carefully to produce high quality sauces for consumers. Life Thai Chili Sauce is suitable for all woks of life, be it at home, your favourite mamak stall, your favourite international fast food chain, as well as your grandmother\..
Lingham\'s Unique Thai Chili sauce with hints of Lemon and Garlic will appetize anyone\'s taste buds. We recommend this unique sauce frequently paired with fried food or deliciously used as seafood salad dressing...